Good for your business, good for the local economy

We can support your business requirements with offsite biodiversity net gain units that benefit the local area

Our aim to provide a straight forward transaction for Developers who require off-site biodiversity net gain units within any of the Local Planning Authorities in Gloucestershire. We understand the need for good value and assurance that all the detail will be taken care of. Working with the GNCF makes good business sense. A nature-rich county brings so many health and wellbeing benefits to businesses and their employees. Using the GNCF, nature will be enhanced within the county of Gloucestershire, close to the site of development. The GNCF is delivering habitat creation and restoration within Gloucestershire’s mapped nature recovery network. This means that nature is being enhanced strategically within the county to ensure habitat connectivity and the expansion of the nature network across the county. We will liaise with the Local Planning Authority and Natural England to ensure legal requirements are met and the purchased units are registered. All of our BNG schemes are party to a habitat management agreement which defines the delivery, monitoring and reporting on off-site BNG units, so you can be assured that you’ve met your legal requirements. We follow the CIEEM, IEMA, CIRIA (2019) good practice principles for development, the latest guidance from Defra, and knowledge share with a country-wide BNG community of practice. The GNCF aims to provide excellence in off-site BNG delivery, and your business can be proud to deliver through us. To talk to us about your business needs please complete the ‘Contact’ sheet or send an email to We are happy to talk through the legislations and the process.

Please get in touch to discuss how we can help.

c/o Harrison Clark Rickerbys, Ellenborough House, Wellington Street,
Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, GL50 1YD

2022 © Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund Limited

Registered in England company number 13662489