The Gloucestershire Nature + Climate Fund aims to create both a biodiversity and a carbon market for Gloucestershire. We are initially focusing on facilitating Biodiversity Net Gain and a market in biodiversity units. Then we will aim to develop an offer for local carbon credits, supporting Gloucestershire businesses to meet their net zero targets. For the moment most of what you will find on this website is focused around Biodiversity Net Gain. If you’d like to talk to us about carbon credits, please do get in touch ( or using the ‘Contact’ form).
Mandatory biodiversity net gain (BNG), as set out in the Environment Act (2021), becomes law in January 2024. It means that all developments over 0.5ha (or 10 dwellings) will have to demonstrate that they are able to enhance wildlife on-site. If this cannot be done on-site, the developer will be required to provide off-site improvements, by paying for off-site biodiversity net gain units. The biodiversity net gains will be secured through the planning system and a development will have to show how the net gains will be achieved to obtain planning permission.
The offer of the Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund (GNCF) is to administrate off-site BNG requirements and ensure the new legislation works to improve green space in each Local Planning Authority in Gloucestershire and strategically restore nature across the county.
The Gloucestershire Nature + Climate Fund (GNCF) is a not-for-profit organisation established to support Landowners, Developers and Local Planning Authorities through the biodiversity net gain process.
The GNCF was established by the Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership and the GFirst Local Enterprise Partnership. The GLNP is backed by Gloucestershire’s Local Authorities who fund and partner the initiative, as well as around 30 nature-based bodies from the county. The GNCF works to ensure that nature is replaced strategically across the county according to best ecological evidence. The GNCF will administer funds from BNG sales to support the Local Nature Recovery Strategy, enable improvement of green spaces within Gloucestershire’s urban centres and restore nature at a larger scale in rural areas.
Nature in Gloucestershire is in decline due to habitat fragmentation and the effects of a changing climate. The county has lost 97% of its species rich grasslands since 1932. If done well, the BNG legislation offers a real opportunity to fund improvements in Gloucestershire’s nature for the benefit and wellbeing of the county’s residents.
The Gloucestershire Local Nature Partnership (GLNP) is formed of over 30 organisations from public, private and third sector bodies from across the county, all working together to recognise the importance of embedding nature’s value in local decisions for the benefit of nature, people and the economy. Our partnership provides a strong and innovative voice for the environment sector. Using the development of the Nature Recovery Network, the GLNP will provide steer for evidence-based decisions and strategic investment priorities.
For more information visit
The mission of the GFirst LEP is to make Gloucestershire great by driving sustainable economic growth throughout the county, creating jobs and business opportunities for thousands of people. The GFirst LEP is led by the business community, in partnership with voluntary, education and public sectors, to help Gloucestershire realise its economic potential.
For more information visit
2022 © Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund Limited
Registered in England company number 13662489