Our aim is to provide a straight-forward transaction for developers who require off-site biodiversity net gain units within any Local Planning Authority in Gloucestershire.
To get started on your biodiversity net gain journey with GNCF, please get in touch: enquiries@glosncf.com
View the units we have available across the county by using the interactive map below.
NCA: 106 Severn and Avon Vales
Gloucester is situated within the Severn and Avon Vales National Character Area (NCA). Any biodiversity net gain units required by Gloucester developments will be serviced by one of our sites within the same NCA. We are also exploring a council owned land BNG scheme with the Local Planning Authority.
NCA: 107 Cotswolds
In the Cotswolds we are working with several landowners, with around 300 BNG units and more than 25 linear units (hedgerows) available for BNG, across 30 hectares of land. Current area units are for medium, high and very high distinctiveness habitat types and include woodland, rural trees, various grasslands, amongst others.
NCA: 107 Cotswolds
In Stroud, we are working with landowners to supply 240 area units for biodiversity net gain across more than 60 hectares. Current area units are for medium, high and very high distinctiveness habitat types and including an ambitious rewilding project.
NCA: 106 Severn and Avon Vales
In Tewkesbury GNCF is working with a single large scheme that will provide a major nature restoration project with natural flood management benefits. This site will be able to provide units to developments in Gloucester City and Cheltenham Borough as they sit within the same Severn and Avon Vales National Character Area and the Strategic Local Plan. Around 900 area units are available for BNG across nearly 200 hectares.
Cheltenham is situated within the Severn and Avon Vales National Character Area (NCA). Any biodiversity net gain units required by developments in Cheltenham can be serviced by one of our sites within the same NCA.
NCA: 105 Forest of Dean and Lower Wye
NCA: 104 South Herefordshire and Over Severn
In the Forest of Dean Local Planning Authority, GNCF has a few offsite biodiversity net gain schemes with more than 240 area biodiversity units and 13 linear units (hedgerows) to offer across 55 hectares of land. Current area units are for medium, high and very high distinctiveness habitat types and include orchard, scrub, lowland deciduous woodland, other neutral grassland, scrub, pond.
We have a working agreement with the county’s Local Planning Authorities (LPAs) to develop s.106 for each of the sites above, as a Trusted BNG supplier
Why purchase BNG units with us?
What is the process?
Please get in touch to discuss how we can help.
To talk to us about your business needs please complete the ‘Contact’ sheet below, or send an email to enquiries@glosncf.com. We are happy to talk through the legislation and the process.
2022 © Gloucestershire Nature and Climate Fund Limited
Registered in England company number 13662489